Digitales Fahrtenbuch AutoLogg - Die neue Fahrtenbuch-Software ist da

Logbook for BMW*


without hardware | for BMW* models with ConnectedDrive


Connected Technologie - Fahrtenbuch ohne zusätzliche Hardware

No hardware

AutoLogg Connected communicates with your BMW*
and immediately receives the driving data.

Use of vehicle data

Required information for keeping a driver’s log is transmitted directly from the vehicle.


All you need to do is connect your vehicle once.

PDF-Export Berufliche Fahrten - Fahrtenbuch

Tax compliant driver's log

the app

Berufliche Fahrten - AutoLogg App


AutoLogg recognizes preferred locations and recommends previous entries to you. This makes you super fast.

Assigning is
super simple

Assign a business trip with only one swipe, then add details such as purpose and business partner with just a few clicks.

Geschäftsfahrt zuweisen in der AutoLogg App
Privatfahrten zuordnen in der App

private trip
swipe away

Swipe right and your private trip disappears from the list. Only the start and end mileage appears in the PDF export.


mixed trip

Commute, mixed trips and notes can be defined optionally and appear in a separate column in the export.

Add details AutoLogg App

It is not necessary to have the smartphone with you.

AutoLogg Connected records all trips directly from the vehicle. It is not necessary to carry a smartphone. Trips can then be assigned at any time with the device of your choice.

Digitales Fahrtenbuch AutoLogg - Die neue Fahrtenbuch-Software ist da